*Leyla Cárdenas Campos . 2025-

"The writer Manuel Hernández B. defines Bogotá as a permanent threshold that announces the promise of a place that never arrives.
In urban areas train stations act as entrances and exits of the city. However, in Bogotá´s case, the Estación de la Sabana is tragically just a threshold from which it is not possible to enter or to exit.
Especular, the proposal of the artist Leyla Cárdenas retakes the quote of Hernández to propose an image of the Sabana station that merges both the interior of the exit and the exterior of the entrance. It is the limit and edge of the present, a threshold or vestige of the impossibility of consolidating a project as a nation. "

Especular, 2017
Impresión digital sobre velo / Digital print on veil
9.30 x 7.38 x 6.91 aprox

©Photos: Juan Antonio Monsalve.